Bettie's EXCELlent Adventure
Or, how I went totally OCD on my 70 Days of Sweat Word Count Tracking Sheet. Observe:My OCD 70 Days of Sweat Tracking Sheet has the following features:
- Allows tracking of multiple Works in Progress
- Provides word count totals for each WIP by 70 Days of Sweat check-in date.
- Provides Total Word Count as a sum of all WIP word counts for each 70 Days of Sweat check-in date
- Provides total word count for each WIP (see below)
- Provides total word count for 70 Days of Sweat (see below)
- Contains snazzy If/Then statements to ensure it only displays totals when new words have been added.
- Color-coded by week in soothing pastel shades.